rank-100.com is a tennis platform that revolutionises the way players interact with clubs and other players.
It is based on the concept of playing social competitive tennis on demand. Players have the ability to Line Up for a game on their chosen date and time.
Rank-100 offers an awesome League format to ensure players will be ranked and matched against players of similar skill level.
Match Format
Court Hire: 2 hours
Sets: 2 Sets (5-5 then Tie Break to 7 points)
2nd Deuce is short deuce (Decisive point, receiving player decides side)
Match Tie Break: Super Tie Break (Sets 1-1 then Super Tie Break to 10 Points)
Tennis Balls are not provided.
Recommended warm up time: 10 - 15 minutes
Input scores after game is played by the winner
Players must have the full match fee in their balance before being able to reserve a match.
Clubs reserves the right to Cancel a game at any time. Match fees will be credited back to player's balance.
Players can cancel a game up to 24 hours before the start of the match without any penalty. Match fees will be credited back to player's balance
Players forfeit a game if they do not attend the game or if it is canceled within 24 hours of the start of the match. An extra penalty fee, equal to the entry fee (the full match fee), will be charged to the player and a full refund will be applied to the opposing player.
League Format
Ascending Category
By scoring more than 75% win rate on the current category after playing 5 matches or by winning 4 matches in a row
Descending Category
By scoring less than 25% win rate on the current category after playing 5 matches or by losing 4 matches in a row
Rank-100 welcomes your comments. If you have any questions about the Match Format or League Format and would like further information, please contact us by any of the following means during business hours Monday to Friday.
E-mail: contact@rank-100.com